Thursday, 11 February 2010

The Hospital Gown That's Also a Burkha

a British hospital has announced that it is to introduce burkha style hospital gowns for its female muslim patients
this will soon be coming to an NHS hospital near you , women who want to cover up because of their faith are to be offered these striking turquoise garments . critics say this is another example of political correctness gone mad.
The "Interfaith gown" is being piloted at the Royal Preston Hospital after complaints from (muslim) women that the (normal) regulation dress was to revealing.
Hospitals around the country are being offered the burkhas by an NHS clothing supplier for around twelve pounds each.
The "Inter-faith gown" is designed to reveal nothing but the patients eyes and hands (and yet allow access for surgeons?).
This may be viewed as a reasonable request from one particular group of patients but were does that request fit into the hospitals priorities, this is just another example of political correctness gone mad. This was brought in because it is a muslim request and words like "race" and "faith" have been used , they did make other requests brighter lights more flexible meal times and longer visiting hours just for them.


  1. Typical, we appease all immigrants to this country and bend over backwards, whilst the indiginous population suffer in poverty !
